Nichiban Stepty™ P 40mm x 120mm (30 pcs)

-For stopping the flow of blood by using pressure immobilization after removing an indwelling needle in the radial artery or the dorsal pedis artery, as in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
-For protective covering for the radial artery and dorsal pedis artery after punctures received from measuring arterial pressure or blood gas.

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Key features
Pads that pressurize the skin gently and effectively.
Plates with enhanced pressure and safety.
A tape that stretches in every direction and sustains sufficient pressure.
Stick-on time labels to prevent prolonged use of the product.
Saving time and reducing effort for healing and nursing.
Each tape is individually sterilized by EOG before packaging.
Normally used for artery segments, around 14-18 gauge (average)
*There are many ways to use our puncture protection.
Made in Japan for quality you can trust.
Backing: urethane non-woven fabric
Adhesive: acrylic adhesive

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